Milestone Moments

Since our founding in 1987, we’ve had the honor of hosting speakers from all over the world representing numerous countries and their governments. We take pride in a long-standing tradition of being the first and premier global affairs organization in Dallas.

Some of our recent featured speakers include: 

Brigadier General Robert S. Spalding III

President Vicente Fox

Robert S. Kaplan

Ken Hersh

Richard W. Fisher

Ambassador Ron Kir

Michael Froman

Richard Haas

Brett Giror

Victoria Coates

Ambassador Paula Dobriansky

Michael O'Hanlon

Mark Grossman

General Joseph Votel

Dr. Jon Alterman

Ambassador Robert Jordan

Dr. Fiona Hill

David Litman

General John Abizaid

Secretary Mike Pompeo

Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison

Andrei Kozyrev

Jonathan Ferziger

Daniel K Podolsky

Yaneer Bar-Yam

Senator James Lankford

Ambassador Dennis Ross 

Vladimir Kara-Murza

Kang Chol Hwan

James Olson